The Iberian Hunting Experience is one of the premier, specialized bow and muzzle loader hunting outfitters in Spain. We are certified bowhunters recognized by the Spanish Hunting Federation to guarantee our level of competence and skill. We do not only guide bowhunts, we are proud bowhunters that proficiently practice this hunting style.
We have concessions where only bow/crossbow hunting is permitted to ensure low hunting pressure and great abundance of game.
In order to increase the odds of harvesting game with archery tackle, and depending on the circumstances, we will either walk and stalk or ambush using pop up or pit blinds at waterholes and tree stands at game trails.
We advise our hunters on what equipment to bring, because we know from experience which setup works best for each specie and hunting method.
For instance, the heavy arrow setup required to pierce the armour of a big wild boar from a treestand will probably not be the best option to spot and stalk a quick-reflexed «string jumping» roedeer. Trust your PH, we know from experience!
Most of the outfitters in our country are completely unfamiliarized with muzzle loader hunting and don’t even know that it is completely legal hunting with it. Knowing ahead of time your powder & exact load, we can provide our hunters with primers, sabots, bullets and everything necessary to effectively hunt all the big game species in Spain.